Ahhhh, the sweet smell of (yr own play being produced) success….

It’s been about a month since “That Serious He-Man Ball” was done in Atlanta, but I feel like I’m still sipping champagne. You know, of course there’s the actual production (which I saw three times !!!) that gets your attention but for me it’s also all the time before and after you see the show. I got to hang out at some GREAT breakfast/lunch spots in the ATL. Hats off to The Flying Biscuit (on Peachtree Rd.), Buttermilk Kitchen, and the very unforgettable “Thumbs Up Diner” (lunch with my best bud Tom Jones).

Being able to hang out and talk theatre, or talk sports, or just talk shop was wonderful. I think everyone involved in any production needs somebody to vent, share, rant or just laugh with. It’s something that doesn’t usually get conveyed when someone “back home” asks “so how was the plays?”

True Colors Theatre did a great job. I was over-the-moon pleased. Director Eric Little, and actors Eugene H. Russell IV, Neal Ghant and Enoch King were too good to be. They totally inhabited their characters, and their performances were so good it made me cry. Really. Well, maybe the writing also had a lil something to do with it……………. just saying. Even the Atlanta Journal Constitution got in the act (a little late, but they helped spread the post-play vibe).

It made me cry because listening to the language and watching the action unfold was such a delight. Knowing that 1) my choice to update the play WORKED. And 2) having everything unfold on a basketball court (with no escape!!!) kept everything contained and intense. Which led to 3) watching the audience reaction — watching them drawn into the drama and the world of the play, feel like icing on the cake with a cheery on top.

So what’s the next step? What’s the next event? Wish I had that fortune teller sitting next to me, my friends.

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