Historically Speaking

Trust me, I don’t dwell in the past. I’m as forward thinking as the next person. So that’s my disclaimer.

I think it’s fabulous when, as a new production gets mounted, that I don’t really have to be the driving force in creating social media content. I add my little bit, but I’m very VERY happy that True Colors Theatre has something in place.

Oh yes, I know the artist has to do their share (don’t blink or you’ll miss part of me doing my share)

Over decades my wife and I have at various times mounted productions of my original work and, as you can imagine, it’s been a labor of love. Because as times change, it’s not enuf to just have a production, an opening, an installation, a music-thingie or even a reading — get on it’s feet. You have to: get. the. freakin. word. out. So after your rehearsal time is over, you have another job that has to be addressed. It might be using a soc-med platform, or just trying to a splash at work, or with friends. Some of whom have been loyal, faithful followers of your work FOREVER and you can’t help feel “hey, yeah, it’s me again doing another DRAMA THING.”

So I welcome when another entity steps up to the plate. And in this case that entity chronicles the progress of rehearsals and provides a lil archival perspective.

This is my current cast below, dressed to SLAY — left to right Neal Ghant, Enoch King and Eugene H. Russell IV.

And here’s cast (and True Colors Theatre posse) in “basketball camp.” To my knowledge, there’s never been a production that had basketball camp PRIOR to rehearsals. I’m mighty mighty impressed. “That Serious He-Man Ball” opens September 22nd and runs till October 15th at the Southwest Arts Center in Atlanta, GA.

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